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Key questions to answer if you decide to divorce

Divorce is a challenge for you, you soon-to-be ex-spouse and any children you share together.

From child custody to child support, from property division to alimony, there is no shortage of questions to answer as you move through the process.


Here are five questions to immediately address if you decide to divorce:

  • How will you maintain stability for your children? Both parents must be on the same page with respect to the steps they'll take to maintain a stable environment for their children, both during and after divorce. While you may have a clear idea of how to approach divorce, your children probably don't have enough life experience to understand what's happening.
  • What's the best way to prepare for mediation? Don't assume that litigation is the only way to work through your disagreements. Mediation allows both individuals to maintain control of the process while avoiding the time and costs associated with litigation.
  • How will you prepare your finances for divorce? For example, creating a property and debt division checklist will provide you with guidance during mediation. This is also the right time to cancel joint credit cards, open separate accounts and dig around for any assets the other individual may be attempting to hide.
  • How can you plan for life after divorce? Don't put so much time and energy into the divorce process that you forget to plan for the future. For instance, if you don't have any plans of staying in the family home, you'll need to find a place to live.
  • Do you need to hire a divorce attorney? While it's possible to divorce without an attorney, doing so puts you at risk of making mistakes that will cost you time and money. Even if you're relying on mediation to divorce, it's important to have an experienced legal team on your side.

While these aren't the only questions to answer if you decide to divorce, they're among the most important. Once you address these questions, you'll feel better about the decisions you're making and what the future will bring.

As long as you understand the divorce process and your legal rights in Louisiana, you can make informed and confident decisions every step of the way.

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Perkins & Dupré LLC
19929 Old Scenic HWY
Zachary, LA 70791

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Phone: 225-658-9602